Custom Error Pages
Take a plunge into website error pages. Find out when they show up and why you need to set up your own custom error pages.
If you have browsed loads of websites, you've probably encountered some error message once in a while. An error may occur if the hosting server cannot process a request (Error 400), if you must log in to see some content and you have not done so (Error 401), if you aren't permitted to access a webpage (Error 403) or when a link leads to a file that is not on the server (Error 404). Encountering this kind of messages may often be frustrating since the pages don't have anything in common with the actual website. That’s why some web hosting companies permit you to set your own error pages that will match the layout of your own website and that can have any content which you would like - details why the error has occurred, a suggestion what you can do or even some humorous comment. Such a function can help you keep the visitor on the site irrespective of the error or the reason for it.
Custom Error Pages in Cloud Hosting
You can set up personalized error pages for any of your domains or subdomains. The feature is supported by all
cloud hosting solutions that we provide, so once you log in to your Hepsia CP and check out the Hosted Domains section, you may click on the Edit button for a domain/subdomain and in the pop-up that"ll show up, you may pick the kind of error page that should show up - a default one from our system, a standard Apache web server page or a customized one. For the latter option, you will need to specify the URL to the page, so if you use customized pages, you have to upload the files in your Internet hosting account first. Another way is to use an .htaccess file positioned in the domain or subdomain folder with a line for every error type. The actual syntax can be seen in our Knowledge Base, so you can use this feature even if you don't have any previous experience.
Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you host your websites in a
semi-dedicated server account from us, you can set personalized error pages for each of them effortlessly through our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With just a couple of mouse clicks inside the Hosted Domains section, you could modify the default setting from a system page to a custom one for any of the 4 error types. All you have to do is supply a link to every single file you have uploaded before that and then save the change. If needed, you will be able to revert this customization anytime and in exactly the same way. If you wish, you could use an .htaccess file too. It should be created/uploaded within the domain or subdomain folder associated with the site whose error pages you would like to alter and the content for such a file can be found in our Help article for this matter.