Even when you take advantage of the best hardware and software around, there's always a possibility that something might go wrong after an update, for example. In these occasions, it would be extremely helpful if you have a backup of your content as you will prevent or minimize the loss of data and you can restore the adequate functionality of your Internet sites promptly. When you use a shared Internet hosting account, regular backups are made by your service provider, but this isn't the case if you have a virtual or a dedicated server and a problem may result in the loss of valuable info. To avoid this kind of situations, we provide a backup upgrade for our web server packages, so we can keep a copy of your data safely on a separate server and restore the content when required. That way you won't need to be worried about losing anything even when you have vital info on the hosting server.
Weekly Backup in VPS Servers
The backup upgrade is obtainable for all VPS hosting service we offer regardless of the disk space they have or how much of it you really employ. You can add it at any time, so if you wish our system to make a copy of the information you have on the machine from the very beginning, you could choose the upgrade on the order page, while if you decide that you want to use it once your web sites are already set up, you could order it with a few mouse clicks from your billing CP. Because we will keep a copy of everything that you create or upload on the hosting server every week, we shall be able to restore any content quickly. The backups are an element of our Managed Services pack, so you can choose if you'd like just this upgrade or to have your content backed up as a part of a number of other maintenance services.
Weekly Backup in Dedicated Servers
We offer weekly backups for each and every dedicated server, so no matter what Operating System or hosting CP you pick or what content you upload, we can keep a copy of your information on an independent machine and restore it any time you require it. The upgrade supply you with fifty GB of disk space you can use and you'll be able to get it at any time with a couple of mouse clicks. If you wish to have backups from the beginning, for example, you'll be able to purchase the service alongside the dedicated web server, while if you need it later on, you can add it to your plan from the billing area. Even though all hardware elements are examined thoroughly, a software issue may appear anytime, so using our backup service shall give you far more security, particularly if you have important data on the server. You can use this service as an element of our Managed Services plan as well as well as a variety of other web server management services that shall make the administration of your dedicated web server a lot easier.